Ariel Hertzstein studied abroad in Oviedo during the 2011-2012 academic year. She had initially signed up for the fall term and ended up extending her stay for the entire academic year. During this time she became deeply involved in the community. She also had time to travel around Europe and Spain, explored Asturias with her American and Spanish friends and had the time of her life. Ariel is now back in the States completing her degree at the University of Oregon. In spite of her busy schedule, she has also found time to “pay it forward” by serving as a volunteer with the Big Brother/Big Sister program in Eugene.
“I was only signed up to study for three months in Oviedo but, as the weeks flew by, I found myself falling in love with the always kind and helpful strangers, the fresh Asturian cheeses, the gatherings at night in a plaza filled with familiar faces, and beginning to think in a new way. Though I struggled with the decision, knowing the responsibilities I had back home, I decided to stay the entire year and have never once regretted this choice.
I immersed myself deeper into the culture, making more Spanish friends, volunteering to work in a local school and finding a studio to work on ceramics. This immersion made me realize I how much more involved I could be in my own home in Eugene. With my newly gained fluency in Spanish and confidence in myself I decided to apply for the Big Brother Big Sister program where I could help to mentor youth in the community. I have always considered myself an open-minded and empathic person, however, it is amazing to see how my time in Spain has helped me, not only to open my eyes to the ideas and values of different cultures but also to discover how many possibilities there are for myself in this world.”