AHA Intern Amanda Gerke had the unique experience of serving as a translator for a TPA (Asturian Public Television Network) interview with Martin Cooper who is the inventor of the Mobil Phone while he was in Oviedo to be honored at this year’s (2009) Prince of Asturias Awards.
The Prince of Asturias Awards are intended to encourage the promotion of scientific, cultural, and humanistic values and celebrated every October in Oviedo. It is a very exciting time for the people of Spain and especially for Oviedo as the city welcomes and honors notable achievers from all over the world.
Martin Cooper, who made the first call from his newly invented Mobile Phone in 1973, was invited to take a walking tour of Oviedo that was recorded for the TPA network a few days before the awards ceremony. Amanda accompanied the reporters of TPA to serve as a translator for the interview and shares that it was an exciting and valuable experience and feels very lucky to have been able to contribute to the special award events in Oviedo.